1. June 25, 2020

    Coronavirus and the battle by the FAMHP: FAMHP solutions for shortages of medical equipment

    Source: FAMHP

    Coronavirus en de strijd gevoerd door het FAGG: oplossingen van het FAGG voor tekorten aan medisch materiaal

    Coronavirus et la lutte menée par l’AFMPS : les solutions mises en place par l’AFMPS face au manque de matériel médical

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  2. June 23, 2020

    Limited availability of the vaccine Gardasil 9: update of recommendations to prescribers

    Source: FAMHP

    Beperkte beschikbaarheid van het vaccin Gardasil 9: update van de aanbevelingen aan voorschrijvers

    Disponibilité limitée du vaccin Gardasil 9 : mise à jour des recommandations pour les prescripteurs

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  3. June 23, 2020

    Coronavirus and the battle of the FAMHP: FAMHP facilitates and supports development of treatments and vaccines for COVID-19.

    Source: FAMHP

    Coronavirus en de strijd gevoerd door het FAGG: FAGG faciliteert en steunt ontwikkeling van behandelingen en vaccins voor COVID-19

    Coronavirus et la lutte menée par l’AFMPS : l’AFMPS facilite et soutient le développement des traitements et vaccins COVID-19

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  4. June 23, 2020

    Decreasing trend in the use of antibiotics in Belgian livestock farming continues

    Source: FAMHP

    Dalende trend van het antibioticagebruik in de Belgische veeteelt zet zich verder.

    Nouvelle tendance à la baisse de la consommation d’antibiotiques dans l’élevage en Belgique

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  5. June 23, 2020

    Coronavirus and the battle of the FAMHP: thorough work so that every patient can be treated

    Source: FAMHP

    Sinds het begin van de coronapandemie werken de teams van het FAGG keihard om de ziekenhuizen en apotheken te ondersteunen bij hun problemen met de bevoorrading van geneesmiddelen. Hieronder volgt een overzicht van de maatregelen die het FAGG heeft genomen om de geneesmiddelenvoorraad in België te garanderen. 

    Depuis le début de la pandémie de coronavirus, les équipes de l’AFMPS travaillent à un rythme intense pour soutenir les hôpitaux et les pharmacies face aux difficultés d’approvisionnement en médicaments. Voici un aperçu des mesures mises en place par l’AFMPS pour garantir les stocks de médicaments en Belgique.

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  6. June 23, 2020

    Coronavirus : first COVID-19 vaccine trial authorized in Belgium

    Source: FAMHP

    The Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP) has authorized the first clinical trial evaluating a vaccine against COVID-19 in Belgium. This is the candidate vaccine from the German biotech firm CureVac.

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  7. June 23, 2020

    Reaction of the FAMHP to information in the media on serological tests

    Source: FAMHP

    Reactie van Xavier De Cuyper, administrateur-generaal van het FAGG.

    Réaction de Xavier De Cuyper, administrateur général de l’AFMPS.

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  8. June 23, 2020

    Coronavirus: the FAMHP is allowing an extension of the payment deadlines expiring before 01.07.2020.

    Source: FAMHP

    In the context of the coronavirus crisis, the FAMHP is extending all payment periods expiring before 01.07.2020 for all its customers.

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  9. June 2, 2020

    EMA warns against use of unproven cell therapies

    Heard from FAMHP

    The Committee for Advanced Therapies (CAT) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) advises patients and citizens not to use unregulated cell therapies, which may be unsafe or ineffective.

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  10. June 2, 2020

    Coronavirus: reminder of the risks of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine

    Heard from FAMHP

    The FAMHP restates the risks linked to the use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 following the publication of a retrospective analysis of a patient monitoring register in the medical journal The Lancet on 22 May 2020. The analysis did not highlight any benefits from these drugs in patients with COVID-19 and revealed adverse cardiovascular effects.

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