1. May 25, 2023

    News from our sponsor QbD

    Source: IFAPP

    QbD acquires Turnstone and Michor.

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  2. May 15, 2023

    IFAPP Today newsletter - May 2023

    Source: IFAPP

    Please find here the link to the IFAPP TODAY newsletter of May 2023.

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  3. May 4, 2023

    Interview with our President Erik Present in PharmaBoardroom

    PharmaBoardroom, the global platform for healthcare and life science executives, published an interview with our President, Erik Present in April 2023. 

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  4. April 17, 2023

    IFAPP Today newsletter - April 2023

    Source: IFAPP

    Please find here the link to the IFAPP TODAY newsletter of April 2023.

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  5. April 4, 2023

    EFPIA has updated his scorecard regarding max. amounts for food & drinks

    According to Art.10.05 of the EFPIA Code, Member Companies must not provide or offer any meal (food and beverages) to HCPs, HCOs’ members or POs’ Representatives, unless, in each case, the value of such meal does not exceed the monetary threshold set by the relevant Member Association in its National Code (following the “Host Country Principle”). 

    Source: EFPIA

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  6. March 28, 2023

    Reform of medicines reimbursement procedures by Riziv-Inami

    We werken aan een vernieuwend geneesmiddelenbeleid om een duurzame en toekomstbestendige toegankelijkheid van waardevolle farmaceutische specialiteiten voor patiënten in België te garanderen. Dit omvat een optimalisatie van de verschillende schakels voor alle betrokken stakeholders in het geneesmiddelenbeleid.

    Depuis 2022, nous sommes en train d’élaborer une politique innovante en matière de médicaments, dans le but de garantir aux patients un accès durable à des spécialités pharmaceutiques de qualité en Belgique. Il s‘agit notamment d’optimiser les différents « maillons » pour tous les intervenants impliqués dans la politique des médicaments.

    Source: Riziv-Inami

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  7. March 23, 2023

    Extension of transition period for the European Regulations for medical devices and for in-vitro diagnostics

    Vandaag besliste de Raad van Europa en het Europese Parlement om een langere overgangsperiode te voorzien om aangemelde instanties (notified bodies) en fabrikanten meer tijd te geven om medische hulpmiddelen te certificeren en zo het risico van tekorten te beperken zodat patiënten in nood toegang blijven houden tot medische hulpmiddelen.

    Aujourd'hui, le Conseil de l'Europe et le Parlement européen ont décidé de prévoir une période de transition plus longue afin de donner aux organismes notifiés (notified bodies) et aux fabricants plus de temps pour certifier les dispositifs médicaux, réduisant ainsi le risque de pénurie afin que les patients qui en ont besoin continuent d'avoir accès aux dispositifs médicaux.  

    Source: FAMHP

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  8. March 23, 2023

    New system for financing the surveillance of the medical devices market

    A new system for financing the surveillance of the medical devices market applies from 2023. This system aims to make fees fairer between the different stakeholders in the sector, as each one must pay a fee that is consistent with its turnover and with the level of risk involved in its activity and in the workload it represents for the FAMHP.  

    Source: FAMHP

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  9. March 16, 2023

    IFAPP Today newsletter - March 2023

    Source: IFAPP

    Please find here the link to the IFAPP TODAY newsletter of March 2023.

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  10. March 2, 2023

    PRAC February 2023 – Start of a safety review of pseudoephedrine-containing medicines

    During its February 2023 meeting, the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee of the European Medicines Agency has started a review of medicines containing pseudoephedrine.

    Source: FAMHP

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