Introduction to Pricing & Reimbursement in Belgium
4th edition
Novotel Brussels Airport, 2 - 3 October 2014
This two-day course is intended to provide a basic knowledge and understanding of the main principles and concepts of pricing & reimbursement in Belgium.
The course is designed for the professional with experience in the pharmaceutical world (Regulatory Affairs, Marketing, Sales,...) who requires a comprehensive introduction on the subject, and for the professional who is a newcomer to the P&R department.
Upon completion of this course, attendees will have a clear understanding of the pricing & reimbursement system in Belgium, and will have gained the basic background knowledge necessary to ensure, under the supervision of his senior, the follow up of a dossier.
Programme and speakers
Day 1
09.00 Registration and coffee
09.30 Welcome & introduction to the course
Marc Benijts (BRAS)
09.45 Pricing: overview legislations – commissions
Françoise Marlier / Annick Laporte (FPS Economy)
10.15 Practical aspects of regulations. How to manage a price dossier
Françoise Marlier / Annick Laporte (FPS Economy)
11.00 coffee break
11.15 Case studies on pricing
13.00 lunch
14.00 Social security system Belgium: Global overview reimbursement and 50 years of social security
Annemie Quanten (RIZIV/INAMI)
14.45 Orphan drugs: reimbursement
Marc Van de Casteele (RIZIV/INAMI)
15.15 coffee break
15.30 New approach in the treatment. First example: « trajets de soin-zorgtrajecten »
Alex Peltier (ANMC-LCM)
16.15 End of the first day
Day 2
09.30 Reimbursement: definitions, reimbursement classes, practical approach for the file Class 2 applications
Agnes Degroote (ADg Consultancy)
10.15 Introduction to Pharmaco-economic principles
Dominique Vandijck (UGent – Hasselt University)
11.15 coffee break
11.30 Specific legislation class 1 products
Marc Van de Casteele (RIZIV/INAMI)
12.00 Agreements with the authorities: practical approach
Ellen Vanhaeren (RIZIV/INAMI)
12.30 lunch
14.00 Legislation chapter IV – sick fund point of view and practical follow up
Michael Callens (CM Landsbond)
14.45 coffee break
15.00 Specific legislation class 3 products. Practical approach
15.45 Changing the modalities for reimbursement. Line extension, new indications, new pharm form
Agnes Degroote (ADg Consultancy)
16.15 Closing remarks
Marc Benijts (BRAS)
16.30 End of course
Language: Given the specificity of the topics and their relation to national procedures, the presentations will be given in Dutch, French or English upon the choice of the speakers. No simultaneous translation available.
Be aware that the course is intended for a LIMITED NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS ensuring an optimal learning process
Registration :
Please register online by 24 September 2014 at the latest. If not yet done, non BRAS-members may also register online by requesting a “Partial Membership”.
Registration Fees :
€ 900,00 for BRAS members
€ 1.100,00 for non BRAS-members
Registration fees can be paid by bank transfer on account BE18 3100 7494 0165 and this before 24 September 2014.