Our story

Healixia is the result of a convergence between ACRP.be, BAPU, BeAPP and BRAS which will continue as a joint new member association as from January 1st, 2020.

Members of Healixia are active in research & development (including pre-clinical, early clinical and later phases), medical affairs, safety, regulatory affairs and market access in industry, academia, investigator sites, authorities, regulatory bodies or in consultancy.

Healixia provides development, education, training and networking opportunities, thus aiming to further professionalize all members and concerned disciplines. Healixia wants to create awareness and have a signal function towards other stakeholders in the eco-system in order to continue to build strong relations and strengthen the life science sector in Belgium.

The below infographic summarizes our story and can be downloaded here.

Healixia infographic 2024

Here your can read an interview with our President, Erik Present, in PharmaBoardroom (27/04/2023):

Interview Healixia Erik Present