EUFEMED Conference - Mastering the New Time Pressure on Human Pharmacology

- in Berlin, Germany

The EUFEMED family is offering the exciting, post pandemic opportunity to meet face to face once again. The 2023 biannual EUFEMED conference in Berlin marks an important milestone in our journey back to normalcy.

We are excited to reconnect and share our insights, experiences, and expertise while also being able to network, collaborate, and learn from one another in person. Our conference will be your chance to catch up with old friends and colleagues, make new connections, and discuss the latest trends, challenges and innovations.

In the EUFEMED 2023 conference we will discuss options and strategies for Mastering the New Time Pressure on Human Pharmacology in order to achieve shorter timelines in early medicines development.

Click here for more information and registration

Pre-Conference Workshop

24 May 2023, 13:00-18:00

Conducting human challenge trials: COVID-19 and beyond…

Time pressures on the clinical characterisation of human pharmacology has always been high. The exceptional circumstances associated with the COVID 19 pandemic called for a rethink of how we develop of new vaccines and treatments. It pressured the industry into exploring alternative approaches. One of those involved controlled human infection with SARS-CoV-2 to enhance vaccine development.

Click here for more information on the pre-conference werkshop