Healixia is the Belgian community of all professionals active along the life cycle of medicines, medical devices, in vitro diagnostics & other health related products. Members are active in research & development (including pre-clinical, early clinical and later phases), medical affairs, safety, regulatory affairs and market access in industry, academia, investigator sites, authorities, regulatory bodies or in consultancy.

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Healixia events

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    17 October '24

    Healixia Clinical Conference 2024


    Register now!

    Join us for a full day, including lunch, coffee breaks and networking reception. We touch upon different 'hot topics' in Clinical Research, including a CTR round table discussion.

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    05 November '24

    Healixia Essentials webinar: The role of KCE and KCE Trials in the Belgian healthcare landscape


    Come hear all about the KCE and KCE trials, presented by Frank Hulstaert, MD, MSc - senior researcher at KCE.

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    14 November '24

    Healixia Regulatory session on ATMP's


    With speakers from FAMHP on regulatory, clinical & quality aspects of ATMP's.

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Healixia News

  1. July 11, 2024

    Flemish Recognition Commission for physicians on "Pharmaceutical Medicine/Clinical Pharmacology"

    We want to congratulate the members of the newly established Flemish Recognition Commission for physicians on "Pharmaceutical Medicine/Clinical Pharmacology": Robert Lins, Bharati Shivalkar, Erik Present, Patricia Van Dijck, Jan de Hoon, Sylvie Rottey, Philippe Jorens and Alain Dupont.

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  2. June 14, 2024

    IFAPP Today newsletter - June 2024

    Source: IFAPP

    Please find here the link to the IFAPP TODAY newsletter of June 2024, featuring the article 'Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Medicine in Belgium: The Making of a New Specialist Title for Physicians' written by Erik Present (Healixia President), Robert Lins (Healixia Clinical Research Education Group member) & Jan de Hoon (Healixia board member).

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  3. May 13, 2024

    IFAPP Today newsletter - May 2024

    Source: IFAPP

    Please find here the link to the IFAPP TODAY newsletter of May 2024.

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